Our First Beneficiary: T.A.P Project, Manchester
We raised £10,000 for our first beneficiary: The African Pot (T.A.P) Project!
Together we raised £10,000! We've been blown away by everyone's generosity and every penny donated is so appreciated. We couldn't have asked for a better start to BHF. On behalf of our trustees and T.A.P, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
The entirety of the money raised was sent to T.A.P to enable them to continue their important Eco-Therapy Walking and M.O.B.B. TV Projects. Your generous contributions allowed T.A.P to complete three hikes and a day out in Pennine Oaks with young people from Manchester. There’s continued demand for these hikes, and youth centres in Manchester have reached out to T.A.P to get more young people involved. Your donations also helped support T.A.P’s MOBB TV, which produced 12 professional videos aiming to promote Black-owned business in Manchester. You can watch these videos here. You can read more about both projects, and watch a video from one of the Eco-Therapy hikes, below.
BHF have also been working with a world-leading investment bank to provide non-financial support to T.A.P., including data protection training.
On our work together, T.A.P said:
“Working with Black Heritage Fund has been a pleasure and we are grateful for the support the organisation has shown us. The Black Heritage Fund team were always available to answer questions and afforded TAP members the opportunity to attend a regulatory workshop on data protection […] which gave us insight on how we can be more inclusive when delivering information. This will also inform the delivery approach of MOBB tv when communicating policy and agreements to future participants.“
We’ve really enjoyed working T.A.P - it’s such a brilliant project and we wish them all the best of luck moving forward! We’re sure they’ll continue to do amazing things. You can keep up with their progress on their Instagram here.
About T.A.P Project
T.A.P seeks to empower and liberate the African diaspora through providing innovative and creative solution-based events, services and products under T.A.P’s four pillars: business, health, education and community. Based in Manchester, T.A.P aims to deliver truth, justice and harmony to the communities it serves. It seeks to play a pivotal role in the development and creation of culturally specific and competent community value spaces and activities that help underrepresented communities thrive.
We love the grassroots nature of T.A.P's activities – having established itself as a key part of the Black community in Manchester, we believe donations to T.A.P make a real difference to the communities in which T.A.P operates. This is really important to BHF.
Donations supported two T.A.P projects: the Eco-Therapy Walking Project and the MOBB (Minding Our Black Business) TV Project. By supporting T.A.P through BHF, you have played a part in getting inner-city young people out into the countryside to enjoy nature, and helping black owned businesses in Manchester. See below for more info on each project.
Eco-Therapy Walking Project
Through its Eco-Therapy Walking Project, T.A.P delivers hikes and outdoor activities for young Black people from central Manchester. Through access to these outdoor, high energy activities via sustainable and structured programmes (activities which many of these young people would not normally have access to due to disadvantage - 35.5% of children in Manchester live below the poverty line), T.A.P hopes to combat loneliness and social exclusion.
T.A.P created the Eco-Therapy Walking Project after consultations with young Black people in the Manchester area, where the consultees felt that a lack of youth services and outdoor activities, particularly during lockdown, had an adverse impact on their mental and emotional health.
MOBB TV Project
The MOBB TV project provides promotional videos for Black-owned businesses in Manchester as they seek to recover from the impact of the pandemic. This project assists these businesses in creating clearer branding, imagery and clear communication of their aims. The MOBB TV project aims to increase awareness of Manchester Black businesses, hoping to lead to increased consumer spending. T.A.P wants to grow the MOBB TV platform to include live podcasts, and to relaunch T.A.P’s Annual Black Business Awards to recognise the efforts of Black-owned businesses.
These videos were uploaded onto MOBB TV social media platforms (you can check out their Instagram here).